Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Ray's Summer of 1947 Vacation Slide Presentation

Something to break the thick ice of seriousness concerning the "Roswell" slides.  A
little jocularity to offset the accusations of hacked emails, veiled threats of calling the various law enforcement agencies [Canada and New Hampshire] and the wondering if there will be juggling clowns for entertainment in Mexico City on May 5, 2015.  [I shed tears as I cry out with a loud voice...Viva Mexico...or, Las Vegas.]

Since my last post dealt with the proposition that the "alien" slides were probably shown to a lot of people back in the day,  I wondered what such presentation would have been like in the Ray household back in the late 1940s or early 1950s.

Hilda and Berned Ray showing friends and family their recent summer vacation slides taken back in 1947.

Hilda: "Bernerd and I had quite a lovely time vacationing in the SouthWest. Here is Bernerd at the Grand Canyon... it was larger than I expected...I mean the canyon of course."

Bernerd: "Now Hilda..." 

Hilda: "Here is Bernerd at an old abandon pueblo, and Bernerd at an old Spanish Mission, and here he is standing next to Ike...Bernerd is that not Milton in the photo instead of you?, and here is Bernerd standing next to dead extraterrestrial aliens near this dreadful little town called Roswell...damn it Bernerd, that slide is a little blurry my dear."

Bernard: "Didn't have much time my love...those soldiers were yelling and had guns..."

Hilda: "Bernerd, that looks like a weather balloon near those little guys."

Bernerd: "Didn't have time to notice, this fellow, Dr. Gee said we had to get the hell out of there, right quick!"

Hilda: "Oh, he did seem like a friendly gentleman...and here is a photo of Bernerd playing golf with..."

Hilda:  "Oh dear me...Bernerd, we seem to be missing photos of drawings from that nice pilot up in Washington state...Kenneth Arnold, I they are...goodness gracious, those nine objects look like pelicans to me."

Bernerd:  "Arnold told me that they looked like flying a saucer skipping in the water"

Hilda:  "Nonsense Bernerd, pelicans fly, the don't skip."

Hilda:  "Oh, and here is Bernerd at this air base in Ohio, standing next to a hanger..."

And a good time was had by all.  And for those who are dead serious about the slides...yes, I'm aware that my writing is very childish...


  1. What, they didn't pick up a souviner miniature coffin from Glenn Dennis? Or a Zeta R memory metal keychain?

    Well, maybe all these things will be presented on stage May 5. But those sliders are pretty lazy: anyone can find a 90-year-old Army private to identify the body. I'll only be impressed if they can get EBE to do it!

  2. Hello Tim and all,

    Only to mention 3 articles our team wrote about the slides, (one in English, one in Spanish, one in French)

    José Antonio Caravaca + Curt Collins : Is This Mummy the Famous "Alien" in the Roswell Slides?
    Gilles Fernandez^^, The Roswell Slides Saga: Some Claims versus some Facts...(Draft Version)


