I'll obviously keep the option open to reactivate this site should other things develop that warrant any ramblings from me.
I've enjoyed this blog and am quite please with its accomplishments. It has far exceeded my original intentions.
I want to take this opportunity to thanks those who have supported my efforts:
James Carlson...the true all knowing expert on the Malmstrom UFO mythology...I was merely his technical advisor.
Tim Printy...this man inspired me with his research discipline...Tim's RB-47 UFO efforts still awe me to this very day. If not the gold standard, then pretty darn close.
I've a particular project that I'm in the initial stage of working through. It has nothing to do with UFOs, but will delve into the psychological make up of command decisions during the American Civil War. I've wanting to do this for ten years now so its either now or never.
So it's now good bye and a gratifying thank you.